Spawn actor wont destroy

In my game I have a ball that spawns in random places. Once the ball hits the trigger box it add the score and spawns a new ball and so on…how ever the spawning balls all stay. On the end of the trigger I add destroy actor but the actor wont get destroyed. I tried increasing spawn time after the destroy actor but that didn’t help either.
Also I notice in editor that any ball after the first one is numbered exp… ball1, ball2, ball,3 etc. So the ball that gets destroy is the one that’s named BALL without number. So destroy actor node can’t see other Balls cause they have different names. I tried Flip Flop with destroy actor node but the same problem. Spawned Balls have different names.
I wonder if some one can shed some light on these problem of mine. Thank you!

Consider reading up on OOP. Every object is an instance and is independent. Judging by your description, you’re hard-coding things by name on a 1 to 1 basis.

On the end of the trigger I add
destroy actor but the actor wont get

Can you show us how you do it?

Sure but that destroys them all. I thought you wanted to destroy them separately.

Glad to hear you made it work, though.

Thank you. It’s solved. What you need to do is to add (Get All Actors of Class) before the actor destroy node. If you don’t it won’t work properly if actor is spawn. Now it works grate. Thank you again!!!