Making a data retrieval class

I’m using the class initialization wizard to create a simple data container class. I was wondering, what parent-class would be most appropriate (E.g. Actor, GameModeBase etc)? (I need a parent-class since I need to use UE4 specific functions and types like FString, TMap etc.)

For more context regarding the class I’m trying to implement, upon instantiation, it will load data from a CSV file. Said data will be stored in a TMap. The class’ purpose beyond that is to simply retrieve the appropriate data when given a key. i.e. It will look something like this:

class GetInfo {
    TMap<FString, FString> dataThatsBeenExtracted;

    void LoadData();

    FString getData(FString key);


Sounds like inheriting from UObject should be enough.

DataTable class sounds most similar but you probablt can just extend UObject like Manoel said