Timeline not save settings

Hello all, I try use timeline but I find strange behavior. I want move my mesh only on vector “Y”, but when I lock “X” and “Z” save and back in timeline I find that all vector still available and mesh move incorrect. Can some one help fix this problem?

Seems to be working as intended. Locking it means that you cannot edit it, it does not disable anything.
At the moment you’re moving your object by 1uu unit - this is only 1cm so you probably can’t see it.

Use a lerp node and the timeline track as alpha to move it over a larger distance.

If you ever need only Y, use a float track, not a vector track.

I look tutorial: Blueprint Quickshot: Changing Things over Time | 07 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
This developer use Z and all work well, and I see how my mesh move, but it is incorrect vector. Plese look video: 2018-08-22_1320

Sorry but I don’t understand: 1. settings not save it is good? or it is bug? 2. I want make solution like in tutorial I like it.

  1. You don’t have to lock any axes, just get the actor location and feed its X and Z into the respective pins in Set Location.
  2. As said above, use a float track. L
  3. I found it more informative to use target points and Easing between them. That is, If you have specific locations your actor should move to. If you create your timeline track with length of 1 second, it will be easy to scale it by setting its play rate.

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by “save” here. In the tutorial the whole vector is connected to the Set location node, you only have Y. Your X and Z become 0 at once, maybe that makes it move incorrectly? Again, in the tutorial the highest point is 5000, yours is 1.

Did you change your timeline track to more than 1 at the highest point?

Still, your 1 will move your object by 1 pixel.
And you should set your timeline to loop.

Its still 1. From bottom (down) to top (up). Set the highest point to time: 2.5, value: 500 for example.

I try full connect, result is same.

highest point is 5000 for light…not for vector…


Not going to watch a tut :wink:

Have a look at my post here:


Tuerer thank you for support and try help me, please look video and you will see, my mesh move in incorrect direction like set 0 vector.

Looks like it’s working, you moved it by .7 cm and set max to 1 cm.

I can’t watch your video there, if you can upload it to YouTube I’ll watch it.

I need move my mesh “y” vector x-time, very simpel, can you show me in BP how I can make this?

I sent you the link in my answer above.

Blueprint Quickshot: Changing Things over Time | 07 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube - can someone do as on this video? my vector not lock it is main problem.