How do I deal with these issues that arise seemingly at random?

Like this landscape grass floating in the sky even though I haven’t made any changes to the landscape recently and the area below them is rock anyway so I can’t understand how this could even happen.

Last time I exported/reimported the height map and repainted it but that’s not really an acceptable solution now, let alone when my game gets bigger.

Also pictured: my water material that suddenly stopped working even though I haven’t made any changes to it lately. If you can’t tell due to the scale it looks like the default WorldGridMaterial. The only “information” it gives me is in the output log:
“LogShaderCompilers: Warning: Failed to compile Material /Engine/Transient.PreviewMaterial_0 for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.” but that’s not very helpful.

I found an answer for the grass that I couldn’t find last time.
“RemoveLandscapeXYOffsets” in the console. You can do “grass.flushcache” after, which I didn’t seem to need but I’ll put it here for anyone who may find this.

For the water I just made a new material with the exact same setup as far as I can tell and it works.

I’ll leave this open in case someone knows a way to prevent these things from happening again and wasting time I guess.