Activate 3 triggers, then an event occurs

hi guys,

How do I set this up?

There are 3 triggers. And 1 big door.

The big door only opens, when all 3 triggers have been activated.

Activate trigger 1.
Activate trigger 2.
Activate trigger 3
Then door opens.

So, is there some counter system I should use? Thank you.

you would just make your own counter system.
create a variable, set it’s type to integer(int), then add or subtract from that variable as triggers are activated or deactivated.

hi thanks, ive never used blueprints before, can you post a screenshot, I dont know what you mean., thank you.

I use a simple Int variable for such things. If your triggers can only be activated once, it’ll work.

Create an Int variable, and whenever a trigger is activated, add 1 to the variable value, and then check if the value == 3. If it is - open the door.

below you will find the basic script that you would have in your door bp. you would also need a second switch bp where you have a reference to the door via a public variable and you will need to call the custom event open door from the switch.

though if youve never used blueprint before you may want to start with something a bit simpler. i suppose though if you have any kind of coding background you may be ok.