No Shadows on LOD, creates a weird effect when far away

Hi, I recently just started to learn how to use UE4, but I’m noticing that my LODs on my grass don’t have any shadows being casted, so when the camera moves away from the grass, the mesh starts to look weird and out of place.

When the camera is far away, then there are no shadows, but when it’s closer, the shadows reappear. In the second picture, you can see that half of the grass has shadows and the other half does not. If anyone can help me fix this issue or at least make it look better, that would be awesome, thanks!

This is most likely due to the shadow distance you have set in your light source. Shadowing grass is already a costly thing to do, keeping it on that far away is going to ruin your performance real quick. I would suggest adding some AO or even darkening the material at the bottom to make the transition to non-shadowed less noticeable.
It could also be that you have shadows disabled for the LOD in the Mesh’s setting, but either way you don’t want to keep it shadowed that far away.