Reduce Save Data Files?

I am saving lots of objects transform data in a save file. The save file is huge, like 200 megs. I was bale to save about 1/4 of the file size by taking the item name out of the array and only saving it one time.

Is there any way to clean up the way the transform saves, I find it amazing that it will write the following information over and over and over, thousands of times which makes the save file huge.

It seems like ti would just be saving the actual transform XYZ coordinates and not all the other text which is just bloat.

Any help would be great!

`¸D€‰C úB Scale3D StructProperty a Vector ? ? ? None Rotation StructProperty Quat €? Translation StructProperty a Vector ²D€‰C úB Scale3D StructProperty a Vector ? ? ? None

I did not get any replies so I ended up breaking the transform and just saving the XYZ :slight_smile: