Make Physics Volume ignore character/pawn?

I’d like to make the Physics Volume to ignore a character/pawn, while allowing such effect for others? I’ve tried finding ways for such with no luck. Any help and suggestions for this will be appreciated!

I found a way to do it for any kind of actor which can own a tag…

The way got it to work is like this:

And in the actor you want to ignore setup a tag with the tag wich shall be ignored.

Hope this solution / workarround helps.


I have a very simple solution for you guys, requires no coding whatsoever - works in all levels

In your physics volume, in the details panel - go to your collision presets and change presets to “custom”

In the list - check " ignore pawn "

Since a character is a pawn - this will ignore the character (See Picture 1)

Keep in mind, it will also ignore other pawns

If that’s a problem for you in this project - you can take this one step further by adding other custom actors to your collision preset list via project settings / collision (See Pictures 2 & 3)

Best of luck