Wheeled Vehicle Raceing Game

Add Impulse is for physics-simulated actors. For a continuous force instead of a sudden impact or launch I would use AddForce instead. But again this only works if your actor is physics simulated.

If your actor is not physics simulated, you either need to add a Movement component to it that behaves in the way you want, or every Tick you need to do a SetActorTransform or AddToActorTransform (which would amount to you basically moving it yourself every frame).

I think for non-physics it might be easiest for you to use one of the Movement components especially if you’re new to programming.

I wonder how to move object with continous acceleration until it reaches max speed. I would like it to accelerate while key pressed and decelerate when released.
What i want to do is very simple top down car race game from scratch (using basic shapes).
Should i use “add impules” ?

I made this tutorial about wheeledVehicle and setup everything as in tut exept my model of car doesn;t have separate wheels. Is that the reason it doesn’t work ?

The AdvancedVehicle class that comes with Unreal relies on its PhysicsAsset to be able to Apply Torque to individual wheels, so if your car model doesnt have a physics asset set up that way then that might be why it is not working yes.

Thanks for reply.
I made it work, now i am struggeling with another things:
No matter what i change in movement component i cant see the diference. I would like it to be much more dynamic with huge acceleration and accurate steering like in wireless rc cars:

Hmm i don’t know - thata the extent of my vehicle knowledge.