FillDataTableFromJsonFile causes an error when it has packaged

I intended to use “Fill Data Table from Json File” node to peak a Json file and fill a DataTable.
The Json file is made by exporting DataTable, and located in the folder near C:.
It totally worked in editor.

But, if I pack the project and test it, the node caused a fatal error. By memory access violation, probably.
“Fill Data Table from Json String”, “Fill Data Table from Json String”, “Fill Data Table from CSV String” are similar.

At present, as far as my situation, the problem has been avoided by abandon using blueprints but using a C++ class.
So, I just want to know that is known issue or not, or is reproducible problem anyway.

UE 4.21 and I’m having the same problem. I’m testing to see if the json file was not copied successfully, but I see you were using an absolute path, which means the problem is not with finding the file.

Thank you for corroborating reproducibility.
“Fill Data Table from Json String” which has taken a pure json string causes crash in the same way. Therefore, ths is clearly an issue of the node itself.

FillDataTableFromJSONFile is wrapped by WITH_EDITOR macro in the engine code. So it won’t work indeed unless you hack up a little bit and bring this function to your own C++ game library - it shouldn’t be hard.

Best Regards,

Thank you for the answer.
I don’t know about your point and the macro.

we have the same problem,need help!

It’s not possible at the moment as that node only works in editor.

But you can access the JSON data using this plugin from LowEntry.

It works,THX :slight_smile: