How can I have my NPC walk off ledges?

I enabled “Can Walk off Ledges” for my npc, but he still will not walk off ledges. Im using the side scroller C++ template and my npc inherits the Character class.

Here is the enable walk off ledge:

Here is how my npc walks:

How can I get my npc to walk off ledges?

Hi JakeOfSpades,

You will want to go into your “All Classes” in the Place mode menu and put a Nav Link Proxy into your game. You can select each end of it directly to show where the AI can jump to/from. Here is some more documentation on them:

You can see it in action in the Content Examples project’s NavMesh map.

Let me know if that helps.

Ok I added the Nav Link Proxy into my scene by dragging and dropping in. Now, my AI (how it moves) is done in my NPC Character blueprint/class but the Nav Link Proxy is in my level blueprint, how can I access the Nav Link Proxy (in the Level blueprint) in my npc character blueprint?

TL:DR My Nav Link proxy is in a different blueprint then my Ogre/NPC is, how can I get/set the variable if its another blueprint.

The Nav Link Proxy is just an actor that essentially says 'The Nav Mesh is Connected Here" and allows the AI to walk off of that spot. You would need to set up behavior in the Ogre to detect that it is near an edge and then activate a jump function.

Our AI developers are working on a “Jumpable Location” actor as well, but it will take some time to complete.

I got it, the arrows were not close enough but now I see the connection.