Including a header file from Engine Plugin without copying plugin to project

Hi all,

Today I’ve been developing a lobby system using the LobbyBeacon system.

Without copying the OnlineFramework plugin from the engine plugins directory, how do I include a header from it?

By default the include directories for the engine source begins at Engine/Source (I believe).

Is there a way I could add a public includes path of “Engine/Plugins/Online/OnlineFramework/Source/Lobby./Public” from an engine path reference?

Obviously I could just copy the OnlineFramework directory into my plugins folder and include that quite easily as it would be relative to the project, but ideally I would like to avoid doing this so my project always uses the engine latest.

To clarify, I want to make the include path relative to engine, not to project.

Sam (AgentMilkshake1)

I wasn’t able to include the file directly from the Engine directory, however, adding to the [ProjectName].build.cs file in this way allowed me to use the files associated with the OnlineSubsystemUtils plugin found in the engine directory.

I added this line to my build file:

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "OnlineSubsystemUtils" });

I was then able to include what I wanted without having to reference anything but the header of the file/plugin file I wanted to use. I know this is late, but maybe it will help someone.


Yeah I totally forgot to post that I had found a solution to this problem!

Turns out even though the API is called LOBBY_API or something, it is indeed part of a larger module called OnlineSubsystemUtils, or at least one of them!

On Discord I ran someone through the full setup for using the lobby beacons class, I’ll post it here when I get a chance.