1D Jump without Orient Rotation

I setup my person to rotate with my camera and run like a 1D blendspace but the rotation of animation of the jump is always to foward.
To fix it, i set orient to moviment true whem is falling is true but on start jumping a lillte bug of rotation happen.
Anyone knows how to fix that?

can you provide screenshots or a recording of your screen (you can use OBS video recording free to record screen) showing your problem

I upload a video on youtube.
I don’t know the right way to link in here but i think its right:
- YouTube
Any messege preview? what?

On video you can see the bug in the rotation whem she jump.

My “solution”:

why not just take a look at the template third person character which does exactly what you want , and take a look at how they did it, both in their controls and their anim bp… they literally have that same method of running in the direction and the camera staying in place and then jumping and landing, without needing to force orient rotation to movement and disable…

Thanks to take a little time to answer my question, i appreciate that, really.
I think strange a people jump and his jump moving to the right ou left making the same moviment like jumping to foward.
The Thrird Person Character uses 1D Blendspace. My character uses 2D with direction and speed like variables. Direction is set -180 to 180 and speed 0 to 600. When speed is 600 i uses it like a 1D Blendspace that is she rotate to direction of the moviment and its bug the direction of the jump because it is aways to foward.
i think in i will use a blendspace to jump with direction like variable. I think that’s will fix my problem but i don’t know if i will make to all jump loop or only to the jump start.