Database code

i am just wondering that will unreal engine provide all the database code for your project or do you have to wirte all code by yourself? because i thought that unreal engine can pack your game into diffrent plattform, so i think it will also provide database code for project, is it true?

you can pack for different platforms. what do you mean by database code? a database is just a collection of information. so if your looking to access a database that is stored outside your game then you will need to code that functionality. if you are however talking about code libraries as in things you extend via c++, then thats another thing completely.

anyone have an answer for this?

what I mean is that I know how to use c++ to script a game, but I am completely a learner in database, (sorry if the question is stupid), what I am wondering is that I know for developing a software, you have to script the database or(its rule), and in-game develop do I also have to script the database or no. Also, I am wondering about what do you mean by outside database, is there an inside database for project? (thank you once again)