Crash on ES3_1 with 250 bones


According to the answer in this post on ES3_1 platform i may use up to 256 bones. When I’m trying Unreal crashes here.
Debugging shows that NumBones == 250, sizeof(FSkinMatrix3x4) == 48 and sizeof(GBoneUniformStruct) == 3600,
so there is a check that NumBones valiable should be <= than 75. This code is in else branch of if (InFeatureLevel > ERHIFeatureLevel::ES3_1) statement. I’ve changed the size of GBoneUniformStruct, and everything works fine on iPhone X, but I get wired result on iPad 2 Pro.

So the question is really ES3_1 platform supports 250 bones or not, or there is a problem with my rig?

This is just an irrelevant comment out of curiosity so feel free to ignore, but what are you doing that requires that many bones?

In my game I have a scene, with complex creature closeup. I would like to have realistic animation.