Best way to add trigger volume to inside of a mesh?

Hi all. Working on a project where I need to place an object into a ‘cardboard’ box, and then have an animation of the box closing itself and floating away.

I found one other question somewhat related to this, asking how to use a trigger volume within a blueprint, but it was almost half a decade old and not 100% pertinent to my needs, so here I am.

Essentially I was thinking of just placing a box mesh inside the “cardboard box” object and then changing it’s collision type to trigger and un-checking “Visible in Game”, then make the trigger activate an animation of the box flying away, but I assume it’s infinitely more complex than that.

So my question is: How would you go about placing a trigger volume inside of a mesh and make it trigger a complex animation yourselves? Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.

depending on your situation you may not need a trigger volume as your box could be the overlap component if need be. the other option would be to use a box collision which from my experience is about the same as a trigger volume but can be added to a bp actor. in general though in your third paragraph what you wrote would be viable way to accomplish it.

the details depend on your situation but you could easily do something like: on begin overlap → enable input. on input event → play anim (place item in box and close box → move to.

Yes just make sure your mesh asset’s collision primitives dont interfere with any additional volumes you add.