(Solved) Applying damage to Destructible Mesh

Version 4.16

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to figure a way to apply damage to a Destructible Mesh through the Player overlapping the Volume, however, the Destructible Mesh intends to set into debris when physically touched. The Volume does work with the Player as I can view the numbers dropping to 0, but if the Destructible Mesh is touched by the Player, then it already triggers the destruction.

My goal is to simulate the physics of the Destructible Mesh once its Health reaches to 0 after the Player has touched it for a couple of times.

Is there a function or feature that Unreal Engine has that works for Destructive Mesh?

I was wondering if anyone can be kind enough to help me solve my struggles with this? It would be great for me. I provided the images below for you to view my problem.

Thanks in advance,


Hi dZh0,

I already watch this tutorial and it only focuses on the Destructible Mesh, not with the Blueprint Actor of it in which I want. This is because I want to trigger the destruction as you saw once the building health is set to zero. Otherwise, I would not try to ask a question here.

Thanks for helping though.

Check out this tutorial: UE4 - Tutorial - Destructible Mesh! (Request!) - YouTube


If your only problem is the physical interaction with the player pawn:

  1. Add a collider to prevent the player pawn from interacting with the Destructible Mesh. Make sure to deactivate the collider the moment the health reaches 0;
  2. Add the Static Mesh (with collision) and disable the Destructible Mesh initially. When the health reaches 0 - disable/hide the Static Mesh and enable the Destructible Mesh triggering the destruction. This is sometimes done because the Static Mesh would be better lit (arguably) at lower cost (single mesh) while the object is not yet destroyed.
  3. Make 2 Actors. One is the normal Actor (Static Mesh) and one is the destructible Actor . When the normal Actor health reaches 0 destroy it and spawn the destructible one in it’s place triggering the destruction. This is sometimes done to remove all logic that was initially in the normal Actor.
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Fair enough…

If your problem is only the physical interaction with the player pawn - I’ve added some potential solutions to the answer.

I hope it helps.

You are never actually breaking the mesh.

You’ll need to apply damage to to destructible component.

You can also add a physics force to it to make it look more like an explosion

Is there a Blueprint function for applying damage to destructible components?

Hey dZh0,

The third solution was the best way for my game to work since others would have this overlap issue which I would have to have an ‘IsDestroyed’ boolean for the numbers to not continue the negative values. This would have taken long for me to get it right, especially how I am still at a beginner level.

Thank you very much for answering and giving me your solutions.