I want to move my old project files

My current project is really heavy and it takes a lot of time to load, so I want to move files I need to another project and use it there. I’ve tried migrate and copy paste and both keep getting my new project to crash after opening blueprints files. What should I do?

Hey ,

It sounds like Blueprints are referencing something from old project, but they still shouldn’t cause a crash. Please and attach crash logs for project. It would also help if you migrate Blueprints one at a time to see which ones are causing crash. Keep both projects open, Migrate a Blueprint, and open it in new project to see if it crashes. Make sure you save after each Migrate. Thanks!

While looking through files I found these. http://i.imgur.com/coxzww8.png

I think they get generated once I rename a file. I can’t seem to be able to get rid of them. They prevent me from moving my files and they don’t allow me to use any of old names because they’re using it. Maybe it’s a bug?

Those are probably redirectors. Try doing a FixupRedirects as suggested here: