Missing a node for AI setup

I am currently going through my second book about Unreal Engine and have ran into an issue. There is a node used in the book that I cannot find in the engine. The book says to use “Get Random Point in Radius” and the engine now has “Get Random Reachable Point in Radius”. I have figured out that these two are basically the same thing. However, the issue is that the nodes outputs are different. In the screenshot you can see that the Random Location is a vector and the Return Value is a boolean. In order to make the BP work I need to connect the return value to the value input of “Set Blackboard Value as Vector”. Is there something I am missing?

Also because of this I cannot set a default value in my Behavior tree (second screenshot).

you should be able to just use the random location for your value.

I actually did try that and saw that it successfully compiled. However, that blueprint is still not communicating with the behavior tree properly. That’s why I thought I must be doing something wrong. According to the book, it should allow me to set a value for the location in the behavior tree.

Blueprint functions can return more than one value; in this case the random reachable point simply returns a bool for whether it was able to find a point within the radius to begin with (as far as I know).

Just plug the vector value into “set Blackboard value as vector.”

That being said; nothing will happen at the moment. The reason for that is that you have not made that blackboard key variable editable (by clicking the eye icon next to the variable name). In your behavior tree nodes, if you actually want to get/set blackboard values, you have to make the corresponding keys to it to editable, because as long as you don’t do that, you cannot select a blackboard value to read from/write to in the behavior tree (the issue you are having in the second screenshot).

Thank you, for the response. I did get it to work now by making the changes you mentioned. Thank you for your help.