Issue with text wrapping

I am trying to make a vital piece of UI for my game, which is a note pickup system. The last bug to be ironed out is the auto wrap. I cannot figure out what is wrong with my set up that would cause it. Both pieces of UI have the same set up when it comes to wrapping text which is below:


This should say hello, but nothing appears:


This should just be a few lines of the letter g, but it’s in a single line:

I did some debugging and found that it will wrap when it is long enough, but the required length is beyond the width of the text box. ie it will do this (the circled part is the h of the next word):


Hi AgentArachnid66, I’ll try to give you the reason for all 3 cases: 1) The word hello is most likely off to the left of the viewing area (adding a padding to the widget or moving the text widget into view depending on the setup would solve the issue). 2) Word wrapping only works on sentences that have spaces. As a single letter with no space, it would be rendered as such. 3) Same as 1. Optionally you could use the text setting underneath the Auto Wrap Text, called Wrap Text At which takes in a px width. I hope that helps. Cheers,

I wonder what is unique about your setup. I’m getting this:

Image from Gyazo

Did you allow per-character wrapping? I forget where it is, maybe in Wrapping Policy?