EMSCRIPTEN sdk found but of unexpected version, Please install version 1.21.0

building 4.4 Preview from github it gives this message.
anything to worry about?
how do i install this specific version?


after building the engine, it says its 4.5. publish to html5 is in the editor but brings up some kind of tutorials window. html5 is not there in frontend.

the only reason for me to build from github is for html5, is this option not available anymore?

Had the same problem over here. Bumping

Thank you for your report.

We have assigned this issue to a member of our support staff, and they will begin investigation as soon as possible. If we are unable to reproduce the issue, or we need additional information, our staff member will comment here with additional questions. Otherwise, we will post an ‘Answer’ once we have logged the issue in our bug database or we have a solution for it.

In the meantime, please be sure to review our suggestions for how to report a bug, and feel free to edit your post if you have additional information to provide.

Thank you.

Ok here is what you have to do.

  1. Go to c:/program files/emscripten
  2. Open a command prompt by pressing shift then right click then choosing open command prompt here
  3. type exactly “emsdk install emscripten-1.21.0”
  4. Go to the emscripten root as described here
    And change the emscriptenroot from 22 → 21.

Then rebuild the project files, I now have the build option for HTML 5 in the editor.

this seems to be working thanks

after typing “emsdk install emscripten-1.21.0”
i typed
“emsdk activate emscripten-1.21.0”
this updated the .emscripten file

If you get "Error: No tool or SDK found by name emscripten-1.21.0
Run “emsdk update” from the command prompt first ! This will download the latest version of emscripten, and then run the emsdk install, to install the version you just got.

Hi, I am having this issue also. I have attempted the above fix with no joy. My .emscripten file reads:

import os
NODE_JS = 'node'
LLVM_ROOT='E:/Program Files/Emscripten/clang/e1.22.0_64bit'
NODE_JS='E:/Program Files/Emscripten/node/0.10.17_64bit/node.exe'
PYTHON='E:/Program Files/Emscripten/python/'
EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT='E:/Program Files/Emscripten/emscripten/1.21.0'
V8_ENGINE = ''
TEMP_DIR = 'c:/users/admin/appdata/local/temp'

Is anyone able to see what could be wrong? Is this the only file the make solution looks for?


Hi ,

Did you trymethod above for solving this? Please let us know if that works for you.

Hi , thank you for the reply. I have triedmethod however I get “Installing ‘emscripten-1.21.0’…
The contents of file ‘emscripten-1.21.0.’ already exist in destination ‘E:/Pr
ogram Files/Emscripten/emscripten/1.21.0’, skipping.” so it believes it has 1.12.0 installed, just running GenerateProjectFiles.bat says otherwise. I should note that I did update to 1.22.0 using cmd ‘emsdk update’ before downgrading to 1.21.0 as I wasn’t aware 1.22.0 was out. Perhaps this has causes some confusion as to the version installed? I’ll try a complete uninstallation of Emscripten and see if that helps.

A reinstallation of 1.21.0 fixed this issue for me. For anyone who has the same issue of downgrading, uninstall emscripten and install the required version https://s3.amazonaws.com/mozilla-games/emscripten/releases/emsdk-1.21.0-full-64bit.exe



Why is it still saying it’s the wrong path ?

Hi ,

Have you tried the stepsor suggested above?

I think you need to point to one or two directory up. ie. C:/ Program Files/Emscripten/ or C:/ Program Files/Emscripten/emscripten

Also, FYI with 4.9 we will be shipping the HTML5 SDK with engine, and no suck configuration is necessary.