Super::[functionname] seems not actually called

I currently working on overriding the GetBaseAimRotation function
And I have some problems with coding.

What I want to do, is add a property :

	uint8 RemoteViewYaw;

I need it to work excatly like RemoteViewPitch in Pawn.h
So I override the GetBaseAimRotation
First I write like this:

FRotator MyCharacter::GetBaseAimRotation()const
	FVector POVLoc;
	FRotator POVRot;
	POVRot = ACharacter::GetBaseAimRotation();
	if (Controller != nullptr && !InFreeCam())
		return POVRot;

	// If our Pitch is 0, then use a replicated view pitch
	if (FMath::IsNearlyZero(POVRot.Yaw))
	// Else use the RemoteViewPitch
		POVRot.Yaw = RemoteViewYaw;
		POVRot.Yaw = POVRot.Yaw * 360.0f / 255.0f;
	return POVRot;

I think a ACharacter:: or Super:: statement should let me call the parent version explictly
But it didn’t.

So I expand the statement:

FRotator MyCharacter::GetBaseAimRotation()const
	FVector POVLoc;
	FRotator POVRot;
	if (Controller != nullptr && !InFreeCam())
		Controller->GetPlayerViewPoint(POVLoc, POVRot);
		return POVRot;

	// If we have no controller, we simply use our rotation
	POVRot = GetActorRotation();

	// If our Pitch is 0, then use a replicated view pitch
	if (FMath::IsNearlyZero(POVRot.Pitch) || FMath::IsNearlyZero(POVRot.Yaw))
		if (BlendedReplayViewPitch != 0.0f)
			// If we are in a replay and have a blended value for playback, use that
			POVRot.Pitch = BlendedReplayViewPitch;
			// Else use the RemoteViewPitch
			POVRot.Pitch = RemoteViewPitch;
			POVRot.Pitch = POVRot.Pitch * 360.0f / 255.0f;

			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("dddddddddddd %i"), RemoteViewYaw);
			POVRot.Yaw = RemoteViewYaw;
			POVRot.Yaw = POVRot.Yaw * 360.0f / 255.0f;

	return POVRot;

Finally works magically but I am still confused.

Is it because my coding is wrong or the parent functiong calling statement is wrong?

“Super::” is not a C++ standard. It is an Unreal thing.

Are you sure GetBaseAimRotation() in the super class (ACharacter) is a virtual function? I am not sure but I think “super::” only works with virtual functions.

Yes I’m sure.
The declaration statement is copied from pawn.h

How did you determine that Super::GetBaseAimRotation() was not calling the parent function?

Well since it works quite well if I expanded the the super:: calling, so I guess the super:: statement is not executed correctly