UBT Error: failed to compile Niagara Plugin on Ubuntu

After I determined to compile Unreal Engine on Ubuntu 18.04, I sure did run into quite a few problems, some being system-wide freezes and overall failures.
And now I was almost complete (I hope I was) that a new Error popped up.

[837/840] Link (ld) libUE4Editor-XGEController.so
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: /opt/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/FX/Niagara/Binaries/Linux/libUE4Editor-Niagara.so
       (see ../Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Log.txt for full exception trace)
Total build time: 5935.24 seconds (Local executor: 0.00 seconds)
Makefile:188: recipe for target 'UE4Editor' failed
make: *** [UE4Editor] Error 5

Google search, not much helpful. Most of the problems occurred to users were after compile, and during actual game building.

Full log click here
Shortened log click here