Android Back button don't fire

Hello everyone! I has problem with using Android Back button in my Widgets. So, here a code

That a widget that take input and call event if that button we looking for. Backspace setuped for debug porpuses and its work fine, calling the event. But when i start build on Android system & use Back button, i didn’t get anything.

When i looked for answer i also tryed to use Enable Input & Set Input UI Only (as on screenshot below), but that don’t give anything to me.

Any guesses how to fix the problem?

Additional info.

I tried to use Delay with 1sec on begin play (to let all element synchronize) - doesn’t help

Tried to Change Text in widget (1st screenshot, on false), when any wrong button come - Text just doesn’t changed at all when I press Android back

Widget 100% has focus in it, if that wasn’t so Backspace button doesn’t fire, but its fire.

Additional test.
Level Bpueprint

Tested with Backspace button on Mobile Preview & PIE, work alright. When I build it to mobile, nothing happen

Changing in config DefaultEngine value bAllowControllers to True solve problem to me

This was driving me nuts, and changing what you mentioned in the config file fixed it. Thanks heaps!

For addition, this bug will be fixed in 4.21 (As sayed in bugreport that I submited). So you can check how it works

I was having same issue on the blog. it seems like it was due to that i have reset the phone and some how it got fix. However, if you have same issue you should must visit this kodi addon post will give you high insights on it.