how to stop skysphere material resizing

How can I stop my background hdri material in my skysphere from resizing depending on how close the camera is to it?

So I want the background image to look exactly the same regardless of how close the player is to it, how do I do this?

I’ve tried resizing the skysphere up to 4.0 it does nothing at all!

Try this material on your sphere:

Constant3Vector > ReflectionVectorWS > TextureSampleParameterCube (your cubemap goes here) > Emissive Color

This way you only have to make sure that your skysphere is large enough so that the camera doesn’t go outside of it when playing, but the texture will look the same regardless of distance.

Zoomcns would you know how to make the skysphere rotate so that a point such as a mountain in the image always faces north in relation to the player?

Would you know how to remove parallax from the player camera viewing the skysphere, depending on player position in the map?

If you put your skysphere with the above material into a blueprint and put that into your level, you will be able to rotate it.

Sorry I’m not sure I understand your question (parallaxing between which elements?). If we are talking about a third person camera where the player character is between the camera and the skysphere background, there will inherently be parallaxing, unless the camera is fixed onto the player.

Hi Zoomcns,

What I’m trying to say is firstly, I need to lock the skysphere so it corresponds to a point in my map, like this so point A on the red skysphere is fixed to point B of the black map location:


This is the BP, I’m using although I also need to get the material to look like its way off in the distance right now it looks too close to the player, I’m unsure how to do this:


To explain the first point a bit more, I’m trying to lock the mountain to the cylinder so it stays in the same position regardless of where the player is in the map:

Additionally, it would be awesome if I could remedy the parallax as shown in this picture that is the same as the one before but at a different location in the map and its driving me nuts!

Can you see how the cylinder looks like its moved right slightly when the players moved further back

I can’t really think of a proper solution, but a practical one: if you’re using a skysphere then it’s basically in infinite distance, so if you want a normal object to “stick” to it, then it has to be as far away as the far clipping allows (and scaled up appropriately of course). The further it is, the less parallaxing will occur. You probably won’t be able to stop the parallaxing 100%, but if it’s far enough then it won’t be noticeable.

Ah ok thanks for that, is there anyway do you think I can have a portion of the skysphere to be an indicator of the much smaller level that can be used as a player reference for navigation?