How to make your open world endless

I saw how you can make endless running. So I want to apply that to my whole game, but I want it to where you eventually end back to where you started. Making it seem like you went around the world.

Other posts that address this:

The first one is a from my last question which was kinda answered.
Second one doesn’t answer my question because of the fact that; that person is doing hex style mapping.

Hi, I don’t have any experience in level streaming but I think that’s the way you should look. It always depend on how you want to your world look. for example if you want to go east and reach at west of a location you should put your level or actors in front of the player.

It’s really reachable in a platform game but in open world you need an actual planet shape, rotating itself instead of running your character and it is maybe hard to achieve (imagine the little prince always on top of his planet)

Or you can always fake it by level designing certain routes.

Look at this for more information about level streaming: