Relocating Level Files In Content Folder Causes Guaranteed Crashes

I have a dedicated folder in my project for the levels in the game, one for main menu and one for the game world. I have a different folder for the rest of the content I’ve made for the game (BP’s, meshes, etc.) As part of organizing all of that content recently, I moved my Level folder to be included within the folder for my other content, the latter of which I renamed. At first, there were no issues.

Recently on loading the project, however, I found my levels and their folder were missing completely, with the project loading into a black screen. After reloading the project twice, those files reappeared again where I had moved them, but a sort of “ghost” of that folder for my other content with the old name appeared with no content in it, though when I tried to delete it I got a warning that doing so would delete all the content I’d made for my game.

At another user’s suggestion, I tried fixing the redirects on all the files. That made the ghost folder I had go away, but now I have a new one for my levels, as if I’d never moved it. Like the other one, no files are contained within it. The folder with my map content the new ghost folder is based off of is in tact in the folder for my other game content, though. I have tried deleting the empty ghost folder, but UE4 won’t allow me to. I have tried moving it to other folders and deleting it, but even though I’ve selected “move” it seems to make a copy and still leave the original ghost in the Content folder, with UE4 letting me delete the clone but not the original. I have tried as a last resort moving the levels folder back out into the general content folder. This causes a guaranteed engine crash. Multiple times in trying the other solutions I mentioned, the engine also crashed.

I’m at a loss here, so I’d welcome any advice. Thanks.

I did a “Validate Assets In Folder” check on the folder with my game content and it failed on the check on the files for the levels, if that helps any. I assume that is connected to the crashes and failyre to load the project into one of the levels, though after I load the project to the black screen I mentioned, I can then select one of those levels and it will load just fine.


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