EQS And Movement/Attacking

I am trying to hook up a behavior tree for my bad guy and hitting a roadblock. I’m struggling to figure out how to stop a movement task so that the minion can instead move to attack the target.

So, we have the blackboard. The “Move” action is just moving to EITHER the Target if set, or the target destination if it’s not. (If there are better ways to do it I’m all ears.) The Run EQS Query would seem to be a nice case for a service as it’s looking for the closest bad guy to attack, but for some reason the ‘Target’ blackboard key does not show up in the selector if it’s a service.

The best luck I’ve had so far has been to use the AI Perception event to stop the characters movement, but then it stutters something awful.

I have read this question, unfortunately I’m either not understanding what it says or am doing it wrong.
