Listening to custom events inside Anim blueprint

Hi all, been trying to crawl through the internets to find an answer to my question. No accurate answer yet found, so decided to post my question here.

Is it possible to listen to custom events in Anim blueprint OTHER than animation notifies?

I have a case where I’d like to dispatch an event from a pawn controller to signal the animation blueprint to fire up certain animation. Now I’m doing it via the BlueprintUpdateAnimation event, where I first get the animated pawn, and then get specific variable value set in it’s component AND based on that, set ANOTHER variable in animation blueprint, that eventually signals the state machine to trigger certain animation.

For me it would make sense, that one could dispatch some custom event from say, Pawn controller → in animation blueprint, you could listen to that custom event, and when it fires → set the ANOTHER variable in animation blueprint, that will signal certain animation.

Ok found out you could do it another way around: define custom event inside the Anim blueprint, that will set the variable controlling the animation. Then, you could call that event from the Pawn controller blueprint. But just to keep things clear, is it possible to do it the way I described in the question?

Actually, the more I think of it, this makes more sense, since the only purpose of the event is to control a variable of the animation blueprint → the custom event should also be declared by the animation blueprint