Character Ball Rolling

How would i make the sphere mesh rotate towards where i’am walking with WASD the sphere does not follow rotation of camera(with SpringArm)

Variables i have

MoveRight (floats for 1 and -1)
MoveForward (floats for 1 and -1)

Sphere (the mesh i want to rotate towards the walk direction)

I want the sphere to rotate for ex:

Player presses “D” Sphere rotates towards right no matter how i rotate camera but right is always right of camera so if i rotate 180DE the new right is the old left if that makes sense.

So do you want it to move through the level the way ThirdPersonCharacter template project does, or have it move relative to the camera rotation like a first person shooter would (regardless of which type of perspective you’re using)?

third persom

You could try using the add input node when pressing the buttons

No I mean, have you looked at a New Project using Third Person Template Project? Do you want it to move the way it does in that project (just with rolling animation instead of walking animation)?

We got it to work now we will try to replicate it as well now i just need to get other ■■■■ working xD

I’m also working on a rolling third person character, would you mind sharing your blueprints?