Blender mesh only has 1 color after importing to UE4

Hi. I am new to UE4 and after i imported a Mesh from Blender to UE4 and assigned a Material to it (M_Tech_HexTile_Pulse) it has only 1 Color


How it should look and how it looks

i would guess that you didnt uv unwrap the mesh properly in blender. theres a bunch of tutorials out there on how to uv unwrap just do a quick google search and youll find something. you may also want to import your texture into blender so that you can get the scale correct as well.

Oh thanks very much :smiley: I didnt know i have to do something other than just importing :smiley:

Also make sure you have one Material slot for each material in Blender that you want to have an individual material in Unreal.