How to access Level/World objects Array

Hi, as far as I know, everytime when we load a level, it reproduce all objects placed on it, therefore they are should be stored in some kind of array. Is it possible to access this array somehow and get values/variables from it, so I could save all specific objects placed on the world in my Save Game blueprint?

I would like to store all objects placed on level in a single array. Is it possible?

in a way it is possible but they are not stored in an array as you seem to believe but you could create your own array by using the get all actors of class node. i dont know why you would ever need to do all this though, if your trying to save the state of the level you would be best to only save the things that have changed. again though seems like alot of work for not much payoff.

The reason is, I would like to develop minecraft-like game where you could save entire settings for generated world. That’s why I need to save all blocks in world scene

Ah. I believe there is a Voxel-something bundle on the Unreal Marketplace which can save the modifications to the world. At least I think it said it could. I wonder how they did it?

It would be more economic to store grid data spesperately and make level/world just reconstruct it visually, this will allow you to create proper optimization techniques without need to place blocks in the world all the time

Other then that you can access actors via iterators, but blueprint is way limited on that it only have Get All Actors Of Class