Intellisense error: "TArray" has no member "Num"

I am getting the error listed above (“TArray” has no member “Num”) with Intellisense, and am not sure why. It seems to be following my update to the newest VS (15.8.3). The code compiles and runs, but the red lines on the screen are annoying me and I don’t know how to get them off. I am happy to post my code if that would help but it doesn’t seem to be the issue.

Please post code, whether you are building engine from source, and ide (VSCode, VSxxxx, etc.). It would help us to help you. =]

Surprised myarray.Num is valid. The error message indicates you are attempting to access a member of the class. I would expect


To be the correct syntax.

You’re correct, for some reason the parentheses got taken out of the title.

I am having this issue also I am gonna follow this thread and see if anyone has a solution to this. I am using the latest version on Unreal Engine

I’ve solved this issue. Go to your project and delete these folders as follows.

  1. .vs
  2. Binaries
  3. Intermediate
  4. Saved

Close everything, VS, UE4 Editor etc.

Right click your .uproject and Generate Visual Studio Project files.
Open your project rebuild it.

The intellisense for the TArray Class should be working normally allowing you to access the member functions properly.


Trim off the Binarires folder!

I am using git recovering this…

successfully revoveried and generated project file, ****

Thanks to Linus Benedict Torvalds,
Thanks to git


Delete things above will make you lose:
Book marks
Pinned tabs

Thanks, it helped

Depending on the issue UE4 may not see anything wrong with some errors at compile time and only cause a crash once called. If you feel there is an issue but it compiles you should explicitly test it to ensure there is no problem.