Interpolate colors on the adjacent edges of materials


For example I have a cube with 9 materials above:

How I can smoothly blend this materials on each edges?
I like transition like this blender internal render engine - Smooth transition between two materials - Blender Stack Exchange
but can’t understand how to make it work and maybe there is a better way of interpolation

Hi, currently you would need each material to directly reference its neighbors and then perform the blending using some kind of mask. There is no built in feature that can perform this blending.

One way is by using material functions for your layers, to make it easier to reference them in the same material. Then I would either use a texture mask, or build in some vertex tessellation around each square that has some alpha masking for each edge. Then you need to make a permutation for each blend and its neighbor combinations (manually), otherwise you can reference all 9 material functions directly in one big shader.

Thank you, Ryan.
Your help are very appreciated, cause it’s very expert.