How to set camera to follow character with WASD movement

I’m trying to get the camera to move along with the player, and the wasd controls to follow the camera. I think. Basically I want to be able to move in all directions using wasd instead of following the world axis. Every time I load it in the movements are entirely independent of the camera, and the camera just follows.

I have a feeling I just need to rearrange some values or do something with the camera but after expirementing a bit I haven’t found any solution. Help please!!!

My guess is that you don’t set your Controller Rotation when you rotate your camera as you have not posted this part of the event graph.

In this case your Controller Rotation is always constant and aligned with the world - hence, the observed behavior.

You should either rotate your controller when you rotate the camera or get the camera Forward and Right axis instead of the controller’s.

Keep in mind that if you go with the camera axis you can move straight up you point your camera up as the forward axis will also point up. (It will look like flying)

If you go with the controller you should apply on it only the yaw rotation to keep the forward and right vectors in the horizontal plane. (It should lock horizontal movement)

PS. Create a project based on Third Person Template or First Person Template and check the Character blueprint to see how the movement is implemented there.