Is UnrealEngine easy for Unity Users

I have been using unity for about 1 year + and i am thinking if Unreal engine i wanted to ask is Unreal easy to use, get used to, and program in C++


There are tutorials on how to migrate from unity to unreal.
Obviously some things are completly different but many are same.


Official: Unreal Engine 4 For Unity Developers | Unreal Engine Documentation

Wiki: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

I have even found one on unity forums. :

having not much experience with unity i cant give you a good answer on that, but what i can say is everything i hear about unity on this forum is people saying things like “oh why doesnt unreal do this unity does”. really though in those cases its either something uber specific that could be coded or its a feature unreal has but they dont know about it. both unreal and unity have their good and bad points but unreal can do pretty much anything you want it to, even more so when you know coding.