Play video lnside 3D widget

Hi Everyone, ultra Noob here i hope your not bothered with my question.
i am trying to accomplish floating 3D widget in my scene that has a button to play a video inside that widget
now i manged thanks to this lovely gentleman

to learn how to do all that except for when the part where i need to add script to the (on clicked) Event
once i open the blueprint for that i am lost

hope you can help me and thank you

except for when the part where i need
to add script to the (on clicked)

Not sure if I follow. What is stopping you from using the button’s onClick event?

Hi thanks for replying so promptly :smiley:
when i add click on the onclick event i cant find a script that leads me to open a video inside that widget
i just wanted to know if something like this is possible because i found scripts that can run audio as example but not video

I see. Will this help:

Your favourite youtuber :wink:

Thank you so so much,
your not Tesla Dev are you ???

No, nowhere nearly that famous.

well your a hero in my book :slight_smile:
if your ever in Dubai i owe you a beer or 10 :smiley:

thank you very much