Getting up/down angle

I was wondering if it was possible to get the angle a pawn is going, like going up or down. This is so i can add/remove speed depending on the angle. I did see a page about this, and it worked, but not with my current pawn. Any help would be good :slight_smile:

I don’t know the “best” way but i just had an idea to try:

Get the character’s forward vector, then dot product that with 0,0,-1 (which is a straight downward unit vector).
Then you will get a percentage multiplier where the more upward the character is rotated, then the bigger the negative multiplier will be and the more downward, the more positive. but dont just multiply his acceleration by that or he will atop when on a flat surface, its gotta be a multiplier for something to add or subtract the accel.

Also this way will only work if the character is rotated to match the slope, as the forward vector depends on that.

I got the find the foward vector, but you lost me at the dot product. May you send an image to demonstrate this?
Also, thanks for all the help you’ve been giving me dude :slight_smile:

Is this on the right track?
Thanks again :slight_smile:

Yeah, Couldn’t find anything about percentage multiplier. Whoops.

You dont need a modulo (%) node here. The dot product gives you a percentage of angle parallelism you can use to figure out how much velocity to add or take away per tick. You dont need any more than or less than comparator because the percentage (0.0-1.0) that comes out of the dot product node is already giving you the value you want to multiply by. Its just like the torque law from physics.

By the way sorry my mailbox has been flooded for 2 months and I lost your thread until now

Been busy, huh? But anyways, thank you so much! :slight_smile: