Unstable character physics interaction

Hi there, I’ve been making a game for a while and this problem has always been present but I never been able to find a definitive solution.

When the player stands on a physics object and moves around, the outcome is quite unexpected most times. Depending on the scenario the object will launch at unreal speeds, maybe the character will do so and if the physics object is on a moving object and the character steps in it gets even more unpredictable. It seems to depend on several things, a few of them are framerate, collision complexity, if the player has enabled physics interaction, if the player or the object or both have CCD activated. The outcome changes depending on these variables but no matter the combination something undesired will happen which in some cases shouldn’t even be possible hypothetically.

For example: https://streamable.com/5uk6j

In this video althought the recorded framerate is low, the game is running at 60fps, character movement component has physics interaction disabled, its collision and the objects had CCD enabled and even though they shouldn’t be able to interact on collision contact, the object reacts every time the players steps out from an specific angle of the object, which doesn’t have a very complex collision I believe:

Anyway I hope I can get some input in this, physics are a very important part of my game and its reaction to pawn characters must be as accurate as I can manage, I’m in 4.20.2 by the way but this problem has been present since 4.18 as far as I can recall.

Sorry if this exact question has been resolved already, I searched for a while and saw similar threads, some of them with solutions but none worked for me so there you go, any input given will be appreciated.

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Did you ever figure this out?

Sorry for bumping an old post, but I can’t find a solution to this either.
I have a physics ball that sometimes launches the player or the ball across the map if you stand on it at an angle.

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It’s related to “Step height” in the character movement component, the physics object getting an impulse happens when the character adjusts itself off a ledge, in this case the gap between an physics object and the floor, likely the character collision having priority over that spot on the ground causes a hit with the object that launches it sometimes great distances.

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What did you change the Step Height to to fix it?
I tried a few different values with the same results.

Geez sorry for the late reply, I do not check with the forums, I changed the step height to 0 whenever it detects me above a physics object and I set it again to 45 when on a static surface

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