Function bound to a Timer Delegate won't properly execute NetMulticast functions

Here is my setup :


// Called server-side
void ServerFunction();

void TimerDelegateFunction();

UFUNCTION(NetMultiCast, unreliable)
void MulticastFunction();


void AMyClass::ServerFunction()
    // This multicast call works properly

    TSharedPtr<FTimerHandle> TimerHandle = MakeShareable(new FTimerHandle());
    TSharedPtr<FTimerDelegate> TimerDelegate = MakeShareable(new FTimerDelegate());

    TimerDelegate->BindUFunction(this, FName("TimerDelegateFunction"));
    GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(*TimerHandle, *TimerDelegate, 3.0f, false);

void AMyClass::TimerDelegateFunction()
    // This multicast call is executed on server but NOT on clients

void AMyClass::MulticastFunction_Implementation()
    // Do something

As you can see, what I try to achieve is to call a NetMulticast function from a function bound to a Timer Delegate. While my MulticastFunction function works properly (called on clients) when called from ServerFunction, it does NOT work when called from TimerDelegateFunction (although the function being run server-side).

Is my understanding not correct, or is it a bug?



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I actually got this setup to work by replacing the unreliable tag by a reliable tag on my MulticastFunction prototype. Still, I’d like to know whether it’s a bug or not :slight_smile: