Always the same location

Hi im newb and im confuse.

I just want to track my character movement coordinates but always get the same value. What am i doing wrong???


This blueprint created on top of the character itself.

Use world location instead!

is this in the character event graph? what is actually being printed when you run the script?

i just tested your script in both the character bp and the level bp (with character reference), both worked without issue. so the issue is either in the reference to the actor which could be from the script not being in the character bp, or from your method of movement.

get actor location is in world space. get world location only works for components so it would be round about the same location, actually if you were to get the world location of the capsule then it would be the same as get actor location.

uhhh i dont fully get you but im getting the impression you feel berated for some reason. im just trying to get to the cause of the issue i wasnt being harsh or anything.

but yea to move a character you need to posses it, so you need a player controller (the default one is fine). you dont actually need to change anything in the game mode to use your own character, you could just place it in the level then in the details panel change auto posses to player 0. this will make you posses / use that character instead of the default pawn. as for actual controls for movement i would just copy whats in the third person bp.

anyway though if your just starting out i would check out some of the playlists on the unreal engine youtube channel.

Yes, i’m grew to understood that just create a character and run the game is not enough, first of all not even a character is moved by the player but some “default pawn” and second i had to create my own gamemode class to replace default pawn with my own. I guess this question is not important anymore cos i got a thousend others.

Thank you good sir, its help me a lot! Glad this problem has much more simple and intuitive solution.