Enable/disable an Actor

I have two trigger boxes.
Both of them make some objects play animations.
But I want the first trigger box activate the second trigger box. Without overlapping the first trigger box - the second doesn’t work or doesn’t exist.
How can I make it with blueprints??
Thank you.

Can you say in detail how you expect this to work? like example of case

Ok so you want to have communication between 2 seperate blueprints. The method I am using is the following :

  1. Create the 2 blueprints .
  2. Add box collision component to the first one so it should work like trigger box
  3. Open your character blueprint (the one who is going to activate the first triggerbox)and create a boolean let us call it “check” and is going to be false
  4. When the character passes through the first one component then that boolean check variable is set to true . The way to do it is the nodes On component begin overlap (box collision) > Cast to main character > set “check” true > do whatever else you want like play the first object animation
  5. Now open the second blueprint and do the following nodes Event tick > Cast to main character > get “check” > branch if check is true > play second object animation
  6. Do not forget to create a second boolean variable to the second blueprint so you can make sure the animation is played only once . If you do not then it is going to loop forever because we are inside the event tick node. So create a boolean and check if this is true as well in the same branch where you check the “check” variable. Finally at the end after you play your animation set this variable to false

I hope I helped you. If you did not understand something then feel free to ask me to create screenshots with an example of those steps. (I did not do it at the moment because I am using my phone to answer you).

Good luck.

Thank you! You helped a lot!