How can I get the file name of log file?

I can get the log directory of my game with FPaths::ProjectLogDir(),
but how can I get the file name of log file, e.g., MyGame.log ?

The file name may usually be just MyGame.log, of course,
but sometimes it could be MyGame_2.log, or MyGame_3.log,
if other game processes are running on the same machine simultaneously.

I need to know each log file name per game process.
Thanks. (*)

FPlatformOutputDevices::GetAbsoluteLogFilename() does’t work. it always returns MyGame.log only.

Just for Windows platform:

    FString LogFile;

    FOutputDevice* OutputDevice = FGenericPlatformOutputDevices::GetLog();
    if (OutputDevice != nullptr)
        FOutputDeviceFile* OutputDeviceFile =

        LogFile = OutputDeviceFile->GetFilename();

I’m not sure whether it would be working for any other platforms.