How to get the actor bound's 8 Vertex coordinates

The I know how to get Actor;s bounds but how to get the bound’s 8 Vertex coordinates.

I presume you mean in c++ right?

You can use a mapping and the actor bounds

Code below is for a single actor, YourActor

It is mostly my own code I wrote for a SelectionBox pull request to Epic. The bounds mapping idea was supplied by Epic/James Golding


//The Actor Bounds Point Mapping
	const FVector BoundsPointMapping[8] =
		FVector(1, 1, 1),
		FVector(1, 1, -1),
		FVector(1, -1, 1),
		FVector(1, -1, -1),
		FVector(-1, 1, 1),
		FVector(-1, 1, -1),
		FVector(-1, -1, 1),
		FVector(-1, -1, -1)

      //Get Actor Bounds				
		const FBox EachActorBounds = YourActor->GetComponentsBoundingBox(true); //All Components 
		const FVector BoxCenter = EachActorBounds.GetCenter( );
		const FVector BoxExtents = EachActorBounds.GetExtent( );
		for(uint8 BoundsPointItr = 0; BoundsPointItr < 8; BoundsPointItr++)
			const FVector EachVertex 	= BoxCenter + (BoundsPointMapping[BoundsPointItr] * BoxExtents) );
			//Do something with EachVertex, like draw it
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thank u very much it real worked