4.20 C++ Networking issues - testing in editor

Upon upgrading to 4.20, I noticed I could no longer test my netcode in the editor.

For my tests to work properly, I disable Use Single Process, and set the network type to Listen Server.

The way I have my network setup, is that I replicate the player state in a replicated USTRUCT, which has a ReplicatedUsing macro to do the C++ equivalent of a BP RepNotify, so clients get informed that the state has changed.

With that in place, in 4.18, everything networks fine, and I can test making the console print on both ends.

In 4.20 however, the ReplicatedUsing function no longer triggers. I can see that the state is changing, but the ReplicatedUsing is broken.

Is there any additional info on this topic?

Thought I’d add a code sample, since someone asked me about it on Reddit when linking this:

header file:

UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_ServerState)
FCarState ServerState;

cpp file:

void UCarMovementReplicator::OnRep_ServerState()
    switch (GetOwnerRole())
    case ROLE_AutonomousProxy:
    case ROLE_SimulatedProxy: