How do you make translucent materiels (water, glass, etc) not be effected by post process or just not effect whats behind it?

Heres a [short clip][1] of the issue I’m having. Basically I want post process to either ignore translucent materials or have the translucent material look normal / not affect whats behind it when the post process is applied but as it currently stands it acts like an overlay effect destroying shadows.

Here’s an image comparison

Toon post process off

Toon post process on. Couch shadows are now distorted and the glass looks strange. It acts like an overlay. Ideally I would want the glass to remain ignored by the post process or on a separate pass so it could toon shade whats behind it and then just toon shade itself instead of mixing the 2 together.

Things I have tried

  • Setting the post process material to before translucency does nothing.


  • Setting the translucent material to render separate translucency has no effect.


  • Enabling separate translucency in the project settings has no effect in combination with the step above.


  • The post process is set to only be used on things rendering custom depth. Custom depth is off on the glass but it still renders because everything around it has custom depth on.
  • I tried to stencil out the glass and then bring it back in via a second post process with no luck.
  • Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, did you figure it out?

Hi Ore,
In my Post process material, in Blendable Location, I just selected “Before Translucency”, and it worked for me !
I hope it helps.