Should I create and handle my character(mesh, animation, etc) via C++ or Blueprints?

I am a programmer, and I don’t quite like using Blueprint and visual stuff. I really like the hard core programming. First question is: In a professional environment, would programmers use BP or C++ to deal with characters ? If BP is the most recommendable, I will devote time on learning it. However, I still would like to create a character entirely via C++, but the UE documentation is not enough yet. So, could anybody give me a guideline of how to do so ? Thank you !


the Shootergame sample has character setup in cpp. I have same opinion as you about BP, but I like them for protyping;0

Best regards


oh I didn’t know that. I will take a look on it. Thanks !

Hi, relax, it is still programming, since your a programmer I’m sure you’ll figure out blueprints in no time, at first I wasn’t sure about blueprints either, but now I say they are great , its same thing, just simplified, I would suggest you stick to C++ for all the heavy lifting stuff, and use blueprints for things like events to speed up your game development.
Write your own blueprint variables , events , nodes - functions and so on.
The other way to see it is using blueprints and included content, you can prototype your game much faster and optimize it later.
Yeah shooter game has the setup and there are also templates, you can start with a C++ template and see how its made and learn from that, blueprints are recommended to use for basic character setup , setting up animations,etc.

Ok, got it ! Thanks