HISM - Instance Static Mesh Skip Once Before Initialize?


I have a blueprint that spawns random actors referencing the location of arrow components inside ‘BP_Tile’.

The system works fine using actor components as child blueprints, however, In order to improve the performance of the game, I have decided to use the Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh component to reduce the draw calls.

Testing using the construction Script the instance mesh seems to work fine, but when I play the game, I note that the indicies were not called when ‘BP_Tile’ was initialized for the first time,and only spawming after the first ‘BP_Tile’ was spawmend.

I have placed the arrows into one array and do a for each loop on the index of each, to spawn on all locations randomly indicies at the same time using a world location.

If anyone have an insight how I could go around by summoning randomly instances referencing a component world transform would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Spawning when using Spawn Actor Component

Spawning when using Add Instance

Thank you in advance.

Fiddling a bit more I noticed that what I was doing wrong. I changed to Add Instance World Space referencing world location from the arrows and everything worked fine