Apply custom material to custom mesh does not work

I found this website that creates a 3D .obj of a face starting from a picture

I imported the .OBJ into Unreal, and then dragged the original picture to use it as material.
Right clicked on the pic and chose Create Material

Then, on the .OBJ imported I select the newly created material, but it does not work as intended as you can see


I tried both applying another material to the mesh (ground_moss), which doesn’t seem to work super well


and applying the material to another object works as shown


What am I doing wrong?

I got it working. I only briefly tested it, but i think it might be to do with UE not able to read out the vertex data from the OBJ. I used my 3D Modeler to reexport the OBJ to a 2018 FBX and that does seem to work.

yes, open it in your 3d modeler and reexport it to FBX, then set it up like i did in the screenshot with a vertex color node.

can you at least show exactly how you fixed it ?
