Missing assets in Vault

Missing a bunch of assets in fault, paid and free. Sent to emails to support, without a response yet.

send more then or wait awhile longer. support responses can take awhile. i didnt get a response to not being able to log in for about a week, by then i was already a moot point. the answerhub is a community page so you wont be getting and help here on this issue as we have no means. good luck though

helo!! how was that resolved? I’m having the same issue. Some assets show ‘Owned’ but no where to be found on Launcher, or in local vault, but if I browse to them on unreal website vault they are shown there as owned. And if I click on them on the website I’m asked to click on open in launcher, and over there they are shown as unavailable. :frowning:

vicious circle caught at. For some unclear reasons, some of the assets that I would click on in an attempt to download get passed in the system as owned but are unavailable when it comes to having them downloaded.

in short, the vault in unreal website and the vault on local drive are not displaying the same content and many assets that are shown as owned on the website are shown unavailable to download through the Epic Game Launcher.

any idea?